RMI plug-in for Eclipse

RMI plug-in from Genady. This tool is for the development of RMI in eclipse.

How to install Genady plug-in:

  1. Save your work and exit  from Eclipse.
  2. Delete previous version if installed any.
  3. Download the plu-in zip from here. Continue reading

Highlight code in wordpress

How to hightlight codes you published in wordpress.com?

Here is the solution:

You have to post your code in between the tag. Write down your language name replacing your_language. That’s all. 🙂

//your code here
[/source code] //sourcecode without space.

Here is an example of a python code:

import turtle # allows us to use the turtles library

window = turtle.Screen() # creates a graphics window

rightAngle = turtle.Turtle() # create a turtle named rightAngle

rightAngle.forward(150) # tell rightAngle to move forward by 150 units

rightAngle.left(90) # turn by 90 degrees

rightAngle.forward(75) # complete the second side of a rectangle

window.exitonclick() # graphics window wait for your click to exit

The language parameter in the tag controls how the code is syntax highlighted. Default language parameter
is “text”[No highlighting].

At this moment wordpress.com is supported the following language:

  1. actionscript3
  2. bash
  3. coldfusion
  4. cpp
  5. csharp
  6. css
  7. delphi
  8. erlang
  9. fsharp
  10. diff
  11. groovy
  12. html
  13. javascript
  14. java
  15. javafx
  16. matlab (keywords only)
  17. objc
  18. perl
  19. php
  20. text
  21. powershell
  22. python
  23. r
  24. ruby
  25. scala
  26. sql
  27. vb
  28. xml

The shortcode also takes variety of parameter to customize output, but they are optional:

  1. autolinks (true/false) — Makes all URLs in your posted code clickable. Defaults to true.
  2. collapse (true/false) — If true, the code box will be collapsed when the page loads, requiring the
    visitor to click to expand it. Defaults to false.
  3. firstline (number) — Use this to change what number the line numbering starts at. It defaults to 1.
  4. gutter (true/false) — If false, the line numbering on the left side will be hidden. Defaults to true.
  5. highlight (comma-seperated list of numbers) — You can list the line numbers you want to be
    highlighted. For example “4,7,19?.
  6. htmlscript (true/false) — If true, any HTML/XML in your code will be highlighted. This is useful
    when you are mixing code into HTML, such as PHP inside of HTML. Defaults to false and will only work
    with certain code languages.
  7. light (true/false) — If true, the gutter (line numbering) and toolbar (see below) will be hidden.
    This is helpful when posting only one or two lines of code. Defaults to false.
  8. padlinenumbers (true/false/integer) — Allows you to control the line number padding. true will
    result in automatic padding, false will result in no padding, and entering a number will force a specific amount of padding.
  9. toolbar (true/false) — If false, the toolbar containing the helpful buttons that appears when
    you hover over the code will not be shown. Defaults to true.
  10. wraplines (true/false) — If false, line wrapping will be disabled. This will cause a horizontal
    scrollbar to appear for long lines of code.

Courtesy: en.support.wordpress.com

Basic Programming Knowledge, What to know??

1. Basic programming on

  • string processing, 
  • recursion,
  • number theory etc.

2. Data Structures –

  • Stack, 
  • Queue,
  • Linked list etc,

3. Algorithms-

  • Searching, 
  • sorting, 
  • DFS, 
  • BFS, 
  • shortest path etc

4. OOP programming concept
5. Database concepts:

  • Very typical database orientated questions like
    • joining, 
    • normalization,
    • De normalization
  • Query writing using joining –
    • inner join, 
    • outer join, 
    • left outer join etc.
  • Design E-R diagram of a small system like result processing

6. Questions on projects that you’ve done so far at your university & in your professional life.
7. Asp.Net/C#/Vb.Net
8. Sql Server 2000 or 2005:
9. Basic knowledge on SS 2000 or 2005
10. Write down

  • stored procedures, 
  • views,
  • functions & 
  • cursors to use them in projects.